- Others
- Media
- Truth Clarification
[expand title="Shen Yun"]
- Brief intro interview (good example of talking points)
[expand title="Art of Zhen Shan Ren"]
- Introduction – A Global Exhibition
- Vimeo Channel of The Art of Zhen Shan Ren – Look here for descriptions of the 7 themes of the exhibition
[expand title="Materials/supplies"]
[expand title="Film"]
- Letter from Masanjia (former FLG inmate goes undercover to document the abuse)
- Agenda – Grinding America Down (former US Senator speaks about communists targeting power and shaping norms/dialogue in political, media, and educational institutions)
- Avenues of Escape (how three FLG practitioners escaped persecution to Thailand)
- Free China: The Courage to Believe (the plight of FLG practitioners in labor camps in China)
- The Bleeding Edge (thriller on organ harvesting)
- Hard to Believe (documentary on organ harvesting)
- Human Harvest (documentary on organ harvesting)
- In the Name of Confucius (on Confucius Institutes)
- Q & A from Harvard screening (ET’s Josh Philipp, filmmaker Doris Liu)
- Medical Genocide (on organ harvesting)
- Badass Beauty Queen (about Anastasia Lin)
- Harvested Alive (on organ harvesting)
- Transcending Fear (on human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng; 2nd video down)
- Legends Unfolding Films (They have many documentaries available…Feel free to browse Youtube)
- Journey to Tiananmen (about Western practitioners who went to clarify the truth)
- Candlelight Across the Street (about candlelight vigil in London outside Chinese consulate)
- Kung Fu: Seeking the Tao (featuring mind/body practices and relationship to virtue)
- Split by the State (about a young practitioner in Australia trying to free his family members in China)
- A Short Film: Jiang Zemin’s Bloody Genocide Against Falun Gong (on the persecution and activism in Australia)
- Tiananmen Square Massacre documentary (real interviews, showcases nature of CCP)
- Death by China (*some of CCP’s actions to undermine the US)
- Between Life and Death (organ harvesting documentary)
- The Persecution of Falun Gong (Swoop Films)
- Above the Ghosts’ Heads (ordinary person film, by woman tortured in Masanjia)
- Reunion (a short film about the truth behind body exhibition, the story is fictional yet the facts in the movie are true)
[expand title="Music"]
[expand title="Book"]
Thomas Sowell: The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulation as a Basis for Social Policy (https://www.amazon.com/Vision-Anointed-Self-Congratulation-Social-Policy/dp/046508995X)
Thomas Sowell: The Quest for Cosmic Justice (https://www.amazon.com/Quest-Cosmic-Justice-Thomas-Sowell/dp/0684864630)
Jordan Peterson: 12 Rules for Life (https://www.amazon.com/12-Rules-Life-Antidote-Chaos/dp/B0797Y87JC)
Friedrich Hayek: The Road to Serfdom (https://www.amazon.com/s?k=road+to+serfdom&ref=nb_sb_noss_1)
Douglas Murray: The Madness of Crowds: Gender, Race and Identity (https://www.amazon.com/Madness-Crowds-Gender-Race-Identity/dp/1635579988)
Henry Hazlitt: Economics in One Lesson: The Shortest and Surest Way to Understand Basic Economics (https://www.amazon.com/Economics-One-Lesson-Shortest-Understand/dp/0517548232)
Allan Bloom: The Closing of the American Mind (https://www.amazon.com/Closing-American-Mind-Education-Impoverished/dp/145168320)
Jonathan Haidt & Greg Lukianoff: The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas Are Setting Up a Generation for Failure (https://www.amazon.com/Coddling-American-Mind-Intentions-Generation/dp/B079P7PDWB)
Mark R. Levin: Unfreedom of the Press (https://www.amazon.com/Unfreedom-Press-Mark-R-Levin/dp/1476773092)
Mark R. Levin: Rediscovering Americanism: And the Tyranny of Progressivism (https://www.amazon.com/Rediscovering-Americanism-Progressivism-Mark-Levin/dp/1476773459)
Ben Shapiro: Bullies: How the Left’s Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences Americans (https://www.amazon.com/Bullies-Culture-Intimidation-Silences-Americans/dp/1476710007)
Ben Shapiro: Primetime Propaganda: The True Hollywood Story of How the Left Took Over Your TV (https://www.amazon.com/Primetime-Propaganda-True-Hollywood-Story/dp/006193478X)
Ben Cobley: The Tribe: The Liberal-Left and the System of Diversity (https://www.amazon.com/Tribe-Liberal-Left-System-Diversity-Societas/dp/1845409752)
Tucker Carlson: Ship of Fools: How a Selfish Ruling Class Is Bringing America to the Brink of Revolution (https://www.amazon.com/Ship-Fools-Selfish-Bringing-Revolution/dp/1501183672)
Bradley Campbell & Jason Manning: The Rise of Victimhood Culture: Microaggressions, Safe Spaces, and the New Culture Wars (https://www.amazon.com/Rise-Victimhood-Culture-Microaggressions-Spaces/dp/3319703285)
Roger Scruton: How to Be a Conservative (https://www.amazon.com/How-to-Be-a-Conservative/dp/B00NHCORIY)
Niall Ferguson: Civilization: The West and the Rest (https://www.amazon.com/Civilization-West-Rest-Niall-Ferguson/dp/0143122061)
Theodore Dalrymple: Our Culture, What’s Left of It: The Mandarins and the Masses (https://www.amazon.com/Our-Culture-Whats-Left-Mandarins/dp/156663721X)
Theodore Dalrymple: Spoilt Rotten: The Toxic Cult of Sentimentality (https://www.amazon.com/Spoilt-Rotten-Toxic-Cult-Sentimentality/dp/1906142254/)
William J. Birnes & Philip Corso: The Day After Roswell (https://www.amazon.com/Day-After-Roswell-William-Birnes/dp/150117200X)
Chris Carter: Science and the Near-Death Experience: How Consciousness Survives Death (https://www.amazon.com/Science-Near-Death-Experience-Consciousness-Survives/dp/1594773564)
Chris Carter: Science and Psychic Phenomena: The Fall of the House of Skeptics (https://www.amazon.com/Science-Psychic-Phenomena-House-Skeptics/dp/159477451X)
Chris Carter: Science and the Afterlife Experience: Evidence for the Immortality of Consciousness (https://www.amazon.com/Science-Afterlife-Experience-Immortality-Consciousness-ebook/dp/B0098O9F32)
[expand title="Organ Harvesting"]
- End Transplant Abuse (2019) – short (1min) video by ETAC Student Movement
- Forbes Magazine: Will We Get to the Bottom of the Truth on Forced Organ Removal in China? (2019)
- WSJ: The Nightmare of Human Organ Harvesting in China (2019)
- US Human Rights Report Calls Out China, Acknowledges Organ Harvesting (2019)
- BBC investigative documentary (2018)
- Harvested Alive (2017)
- CNN “China still harvesting organs from prisoners at a massive scale» (2016)
- NEW YORK TIMES “China Bends Vow on Using Prisoner’s Organs for Transplants (2015)
- David Kilgour, David Matas, and Ethan Guttman research
[expand title="On Self-Immolation Hoax of 2001"]
- Really good new documentary (Chinese)
- False Fire Documentary –
- False Fire website – has more links
- (Epoch Times) 54 Facts That Reveal How the Self-Immolation on Tiananmen Square Was Actually Staged for Propaganda Purposes n Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
『天安門自焚』調查報告 (Chinese documentary)
[expand title="On the Nature of Communism & Socialism"]
- Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party (video)
- (Watch it, understand it!)
- Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party (outline)
- The Ultimate Goal of Communism (ET series)
- How The Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World (New ET series on communism; helps trace complex connections of communist influence, and effects on contemporary society)
- Cultural Marxism (contemporary issues; “identity” politics; important implications for Western society)
- The Origins of Communism Part II (a very thorough, well-documented China Unscripted podcast covering the evolution of communism, with ET’s Joshua Philipp)
- College Campuses Breeding Hate (explains how the left is warping campus culture towards more intolerance)
- ET Special Report: Huawei (connections to CCP, and plans to take over US)
- China A Century of Revolution (documentary with interviews)
- Destruction of the family
- Tuidang Movement
- How Communism Seeks to Destroy Humanity (succinctly addresses critical points)
- Socialism in America
- Why Are Young Americans Into Socialism? (SoH episode)
- Communism: Its Ideology, History, and Legacy (curriculum designed to teach the truth about communism/socialism)
- The Infiltration of Marxism into Higher Education
- Hoover Institute: Chinese Influence & American Interests: Promoting Constructive Vigilance (recent thorough, investigative report by prominent China scholars)
- Socialist “Equality” is a Lie Used by Tyrants (Josh Phellip explains what Socialism really is and breaks it down)
- List of stories that educate about the dangers/errors of socialism, communism, and totalitarianism
[expand title="On the Chinese Communist Party"]
- Article on Chinese “Scar Cinema” (featuring several Chinese-made movies that realistically portray the physical and psychological trauma of the Cultural Revolution)
- Most of these are available on youtube (with English subtitles)
- The China Hustle (on massive stock market fraud in China)
- Death by China (on CCP undermining US economy)
- Youtube video of Nine Commentaries of the Communist Party
- *Part 5: The Collusion of Jian Zemin with CCP to Persecute Falun Gong (explains the complicated web of cover-ups, for those who might be brainwashed about Falun Gong)
- Mao: The unknown story (book on Mao and the circumstances surrounding his rise to power)
- “Chinese Reporter Rolls Eyes” (perhaps a relatable reference point for censorship in CCP China)
- David Matas on the CCP (cuts to the very core of what the CCP is about; very logical and coherent)
- Mao’s Last Dancer (film telling story of famous dancer who, despite being in the US, had to overcome brainwashing and pressure from Mainland; can illustrate for westerners)
[expand title="Confucius Institutes & Academics Related Issues"]
- In the Name of Confucius film website (curated compilation of CI investigations and news)
- National Association of Scholars Criticizing Confucius Institutes
- China Unscripted podcast: How China Spies on US Universities with China Journalist Paul Mooney in-depth discussion on situation inside Mainland and control overseas, with a number of quotable facts
- US Government
- Events on campuses:
- Related issues:
- Report on CCP interference with US academic freedom
- ET summary of
- How American Academia Misleads about China
- AAUP article on Academic Freedom and China (discusses the repressive nature in mainland as well as their issues extending influence overseas)
- Confucius Institutes and the Corporate Sector: An Emerging Avenue for Chinese Government Foreign Influence? (2019) Article in Jamestown Foundation’s China
- Report on CCP interference with US academic freedom
[expand title="Government Related Issues"]
- US Intelligence Report, 2018 (prominently features national concerns about CCP’s efforts to infiltrate America)
- 2018 Senate Intelligence Committee Hearing (video of Director of National Intelligence, Dan Coats testifying; recaps the written Intelligence report)
- Unrestricted Warfare (CCP military manual, outlining strategies to deliberately undermine USA/Western democracies, which was since been translated and made public)
Speaking to government representatives: